Well this is it, on March 24th-27th 2014, the biggest show in the Pizza Industry takes place at the Vegas Convention center in Nevada. This show is the whose who of the multi-billion dollar pizza world. There will be the World's Best Pizza Contest with 3 time Champions Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island New York defending their title. Guest speakers will be conducting seminars on various aspects of the business from making dough, franchising and marketing to hiring and management skills. All the while expert chefs will be busy with all types of food demonstrations, lessons and samples. Imagine close to 10,000 pizza people all in the same venue over the course of a few days with a buzz that only pizza can create going on. Vendors selling pizza ovens, flour, cheese and pepperoni will be displaying their wares along with the latest concepts in fast casual pizza and even Pizza School for the new guys or those that may want to expand their abilities. A fantastic time for all in a place where "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" as the saying goes so come on out and don't forget to visit the Goodfella's at booth number 231 and pay your "respect". Looking forward to meeting you, Marc, Scot and Andy and remember: any pizza is better than No Pizza.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Mega Millions: What would you buy with the $638 million jackpot?
Of course I would invite Lady Ga Ga out for pizza at one of the Iconic American Pizza Places-Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island New York. Since they have their name on the international pizza trophy more than any other pizza place in the world I'm sure she will be satisfied by the gourmet pizzas cooked in the Revolving Brick Oven. Then I would hire her to perform at the christening of my new yacht after we fly my new jet to my new island with several hundred of my closest friends. A dollar and a dream baby.
Monday, December 16, 2013
It is the year of the Pizza according to MTV
As evidenced by a recent article by MTV proclaiming "Why Pizza Is Totally having a moment right now" you can see that the media is finally catching on. Those of us in the industry have known for years that the lowly pizza is coming of age. From the cover of GQ to Fortune 500 and even articles on Goodfella's Pizza in the Wall Street Journal the word is getting out that pizza is big business. When pop stars like Beyonce'
are wearing pizza clothing and Lady Ga Ga has a Pizza made in her own image
it's getting wild. 350 slices per second, billions of dollars in sales, gourmet pizza places popping up in every city around the world and pizza schools showing would be pizziolos how to make a "Better Pie" it's no wonder that even MTV is getting on the pizza band wagon. One of the big reasons for the outburst of interest is the brick oven and the difference it makes in quality and taste of pizza. A new trend that is emerging for the fast casual pizza market is the Revolving Deck Brick Oven which makes consistency and speed a par for the course. If your interest is cooking, dough, investment, celebrity or the simple pleasure of good slice folded in half(NY pizza eating style) then the next few years are sure to please.
are wearing pizza clothing and Lady Ga Ga has a Pizza made in her own image
it's getting wild. 350 slices per second, billions of dollars in sales, gourmet pizza places popping up in every city around the world and pizza schools showing would be pizziolos how to make a "Better Pie" it's no wonder that even MTV is getting on the pizza band wagon. One of the big reasons for the outburst of interest is the brick oven and the difference it makes in quality and taste of pizza. A new trend that is emerging for the fast casual pizza market is the Revolving Deck Brick Oven which makes consistency and speed a par for the course. If your interest is cooking, dough, investment, celebrity or the simple pleasure of good slice folded in half(NY pizza eating style) then the next few years are sure to please.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Beer and Pizza, the new Brew Pub and Brick Oven Trend
An example of the new trend is the Radius Brew Pub currently under construction in Emporia Kansas of all places. From the look of the place it is going to be hip and neighborhood friendly with its exposed brick, high ceilings, distressed steel, elevated stainless steel vats and a wood burning revolving deck brick oven to boot.
Rumor has it that the boys are heading to New York City to attend pizza school with the World Famous Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza Crew to make sure the pizza can stand up to their magnificent Stout.
Check them out on facebook as they update the progress and be sure to stop by and try a beer with Gus and the fellas if your in Emporia!
Rumor has it that the boys are heading to New York City to attend pizza school with the World Famous Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza Crew to make sure the pizza can stand up to their magnificent Stout.
Check them out on facebook as they update the progress and be sure to stop by and try a beer with Gus and the fellas if your in Emporia!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Press Release New York Brick Oven Co. Revolving Deck Brick Ovens
For Immediate Release:
New Pizza Trend: Revolving Deck Brick Ovens
New York, New York (December 14, 2013)-The New YorkBrick Oven Co. company introduces its Inferno Series Revolving Deck Brick
Ovens. Pizza has become one of the fastest growing segments in the Fast Casual
market with gourmet brick oven pizza leading the way. Industry leaders such as
3 time International Champion Goodfella’s Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island New
York is at the forefront of this new technology, replacing their existing 8 Ft.
traditional brick oven with a revolving deck oven. Goodfella’s co-owner Andrew
Scudera said “This oven out produces a regular brick ovens hands down. Not only
that but it saves labor and makes a consistent product every time which is very
important in a busy place. This is the biggest innovation I have seen yet in
the pizza industry during the last 20 years”. The Inferno series comes in a
wide range of sizes and configurations to suit such places as a small pie
making bistro to a high volume location featuring pick-up and delivery in
addition to dine-in. The main draw to these new ovens is that they eliminate
the need for skilled labor to constantly rotate pizza and understand the
mechanics of cooking in a traditional fixed cooking surface brick oven. Once
the pie is placed on the rotating brick surface it spins around the oven and is
cooked completely and consistently. The innovative patented design feature of
an electric heating element below the cooking surface ensures the surface is
always hot and augments the wood or gas fire capabilities of the oven while
reducing initial start-up time to reach the ideal operating temperature.
Contact: New York Brick Oven Co. www.brickovensforsale.com
Marc Cosentino
phone: 1-800-oven- 053 email: nybrickovens@gmail.com
Friday, December 6, 2013
Pizza School for the New Year!
If you have been considering making a move to the exciting world of pizza making then you should consider training for your new career with the best. The Pizza School of New York has intensive classes designed to make you a confident pizza maker regardless if you have been making pizza for years and want a fresh approach or if your band new to the game and want to see first hand what is all about. Andrew Scudera and Scot Cosentino are International Pizza Champions with several world titles between them and have been making pizza at the original world famous Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of New York for over 20 years.
They will take you though all the steps from making the dough to cooking in their state of the art industry leading wood fired Revolving Deck Brick Oven. Not only that but you will get invaluable experience in an actual restaurant environment as opposed to the sterile and unreal environment of a classroom. You will be making great pizza within a couple days and be confident doing so.
People from all over the USA and the world have taken advantage of this rare opportunity to train under true world renown pizza men right in their own place, an experience most pizza men would tell you is invaluable when your staring out and usually have to go through the school of hard knocks with less than agreeable teachers with less than agreeable knowledge, experience or products.
They will take you though all the steps from making the dough to cooking in their state of the art industry leading wood fired Revolving Deck Brick Oven. Not only that but you will get invaluable experience in an actual restaurant environment as opposed to the sterile and unreal environment of a classroom. You will be making great pizza within a couple days and be confident doing so.

Aside from the pizza aspect you'll have a chance to the brain of men who have opened successful restaurants across the country and around the world, years of hard won knowledge is at your fingertips so call and book now for the new year and may you too be rolling in the dough.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Pizza Equipment-The Brick Oven is the Show
Any business requires an investment and unless your a big wall street firm or the Federal Reserve and have the ability to just "print" money, your probably on a budget and are looking to save money in any and all areas as you build. That being said, we continually get customers calling for a Revolving Brick Oven as a last minute item. Not only that but too often the request for the dimensions goes along with "I only have this much space left for the oven".
That would be like an auto mechanic building a garage and at the last moment trying to decide where his lift is going or a dentist trying to decide where to put his chair after designing the office. You get the picture. If pizza is your game then your oven is your star player and the team is built around his performance and abilities. That means you build around your oven. If it is brick oven pizza your making and if your actually using a brick oven as Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza in Staten Island does then you want to show it off and use it as a showpiece in your design. The authentic look and the activity of making pizza enhance the dining experience so why would you hide your oven? Your oven placement is key to your production also and that needs to be considered for placement too. The bottom line is design you place around the oven as focal point and the key to your delivering a great product with enough room for your workers and a good flow to and from your kithen and dining room. Happy pizza making.
That would be like an auto mechanic building a garage and at the last moment trying to decide where his lift is going or a dentist trying to decide where to put his chair after designing the office. You get the picture. If pizza is your game then your oven is your star player and the team is built around his performance and abilities. That means you build around your oven. If it is brick oven pizza your making and if your actually using a brick oven as Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza in Staten Island does then you want to show it off and use it as a showpiece in your design. The authentic look and the activity of making pizza enhance the dining experience so why would you hide your oven? Your oven placement is key to your production also and that needs to be considered for placement too. The bottom line is design you place around the oven as focal point and the key to your delivering a great product with enough room for your workers and a good flow to and from your kithen and dining room. Happy pizza making.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Thanksgiving To Me
With all the incredible wishes for a happy holiday from family and friends it seems impossible to not take a moment and reflect on this past year and that around this time last year we were deeply effected in Staten Island by Hurricane Sandy and the losses it brought in misery, property and life. This is a happy moment for many of us in this country who are enjoying freedom and bounty while others may not have it so good. I remember last year when we went around the neighborhood inviting people(who lost everthing and were huddled under blankets in the cold) to share Thanksgiving with us. They were from so many different ethnic backgrounds and languages that we had to enlist interpreters for such languages as Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Spanish and a few more. My wife, kids, friends, family and so many volunteers came to Goodfella's to help and they brought so much food and good cheer in the genuine spirit of true help that when my 9 year old daughter feel asleep on a chair after serving food all day and told me it was the best thanksgiving ever, tough as I'd like to think I am, I almost broke down and am still moved by it today. The people were hesitant at first when we knocked on their doors and one woman said to me " I have lost everything, I have no pride so I will come and I thank you". Many others required alot of pleading and insisting(being proud working people) but we had formed a relationship with them from being there everyday for weeks providing food and supplies, so they came even though they felt awkward and shy. They understood we cared and just wanted to share and when I tod them I do this because I'd expect the same if it the shoe was on the other foot, they smiled and felt relief because they knew deep down that everyone of them would help me if they could. We had vans and cars to pick them up because all the cars were destroyed. Once they got there and began getting served from friendly faces, the kids started laughing and eating and the parents felt at ease and let a few tears go because they had a hot meal for the family on this important day and were out of the cold. Some one said to me during the relief that "you can't help everybody" and that may be true but it meant something to the people we did help and I thank God today for allowing me to help. I am thankful for being part of a society that cares, for having friends that care, for having a family that cares and for having a wife who cares. Thank all of you that volunteered your help, it was appreciated, I promise you, so are each and every one of you. Marc Cosentino
Monday, November 25, 2013
The pleasure of cooking in a Revolving Deck Brick Oven
Having cooked pizza in a conventional Brick oven for 20 years I was skeptical at first but the past couple of years are an eye opener. It is human nature to "get used to" just about any circumstance we are in and the fear of change is always powerful. When I first heard of the revolving deck oven I dismissed it as a new fad but on examination it made sense especially with the constant heat provided by gas, wood and an industry first-an electric heating element below the cooking surface. The New York Brick Oven Co.'s Inferno series Revolving Deck Brick Oven is the industry leading innovation that takes all of the pain out of operating a brick oven. Moreover it makes it simple and removes the skilled labor aspect from your bottom line. No more having to keep your pizza man's head in front of a sweltering oven, no longer having to constantly turn and shuffle your pies to avoid burning from hot spots or uneven cooking from cold spots, no longer having tie up an employee to "work" the oven.
It's now as easy as just placing your pie on the rotating cooking surface, letting it rotate a couple times around and then taking it out perfectly cooked on all sides and the bottom. "A life saver" in the word's of Andrew Scudera who is co-owner of the original world famous Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York and winner of several International Pizza titles. The hottest trend in the industry is one the new chains in fast casual and local gourmet pizza places are jumping on around the United States. Speed and high quality production are the watch words for these new ovens and when you add consistency and labor savings you get a combination that is hard to beat and a no-brainer for the savvy pizza operator.

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Speedy Pizza from the World Champs!
How about 52 pies in 19 minutes? The guys from the original Wold Champion Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York demonstrate the InfernoSeries Revolving Deck Brick Oven model 140 from the New York Brick Oven Co.
As you can see from the video, you would be hard pressed to keep this oven filled for any length of time because it is that fast. More importantly it cooks each pie to perfection without having to spin the pies as they cook. This is an amazing way to save time, labor and ensure a consistent product.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Revolving Deck Brick Ovens and Hot Rod Coffee

Monday, November 4, 2013
Authentic Brick Oven Pizza
Brick Oven Pizza is a style of "Gourmet" pizza that usually consists of fresh ingredients on a homemade, hand tossed dough that is cooked an authentic wood fired brick oven. A brick oven gives a certain crispness and flavor that is impossible to duplicate in a conventional oven. Very high temperatures and a fire brick surface are key to making this tasty form of pizza which is sweeping the country.
The original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY is leading the industry after winning the World's Best Pizza title several times with it's Revolving Deck Brick Oven from the New York Brick Oven Co. This oven is the wave of the future for the fast casual pizza segment and tops for high production and consistent pizza making without relying on a skilled pizza makers.
The original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY is leading the industry after winning the World's Best Pizza title several times with it's Revolving Deck Brick Oven from the New York Brick Oven Co. This oven is the wave of the future for the fast casual pizza segment and tops for high production and consistent pizza making without relying on a skilled pizza makers.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Latest Pizza Trend: Revolving Deck Brick Ovens
The New York
Brick Oven Co. company introduces its Inferno Series Revolving Deck Brick
Ovens. Pizza has become one of the fastest growing segments in the Fast Casual market
with gourmet brick oven pizza leading the way. Industry leaders such as 3 time
International Champion Goodfella’s Brick oven Pizza of Staten Island New York
is at the forefront of this new technology, replacing their existing 8 Ft.
traditional brick oven with a revolving deck oven. Goodfella’s co-owner AndrewScudera said “This oven out produces a regular brick ovens hands down. Not only
that but it saves labor and makes a consistent product every time which is very
important in a busy place. This is the biggest innovation I have seen yet in
the pizza industry during the last 20 years”. The Inferno series comes in a
wide range of sizes and configurations to suit such places as a small pie
making bistro to a high volume location featuring pick-up and delivery in
addition to dine-in. The main draw to these new ovens is that they eliminate
the need for skilled labor to constantly rotate pizza and understand the
mechanics of cooking in a traditional fixed cooking surface brick oven. Once
the pie is placed on the rotating brick surface it spins around the oven and is
cooked completely and consistently. The innovative patented design feature of
an electric heating element below the cooking surface ensures the surface is
always hot and augments the wood or gas fire capabilities of the oven while
reducing initial start-up time to reach the ideal cooking
Contact: New York Brick Oven Co. www.brickovensforsale.com
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Hurricane Sandy One Year Later- Still Staten Island Proud
It's hard to believe it's been a year since Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast, especially hard hit was my home town of Staten Island New York. After bailing several feet of water from Goodfella's basement and seeing first hand what really happened, the only thing we could do was give it everything we had to help our friends and long time neighbors who were left with nothing. Working out of a donated tractor trailer box in our parking lot we coordinated with such amazing volunteers from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds that it made me damn proud to be an American. We worked with motorcycle gangs, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force, Army, Navy, Reserves, National Guard, the Pentecostal, Jews, Catholics, Baptists, Scientologists, Born Again, Jehovah' Witness,Liquid Church and American Legion, Marine Corp League, VFW Posts, NYPD, NYFD, Tunnel to Towers, teahers, moms and dads, elderly, Veterans from across the country, Occupy Wall Street, every race, color and creed in a unified effort to feed and shelter our fellow human beings in dire need. Just thinking about it is very emotional for me because I am so humbled and proud to have met and worked with these fine people who sacrificed a tremendous amount of time, effort and material possessions to do what was not only needed but was the right thing to do. Some valiant people risked their very lives to save total strangers. Others left their homes and traveled far to help finding only hard floors and sleeping bags or autos to sleep in. Some opened their doors to total stranger to provide shelter. Some cooked all day and night while others walked door to door through the dark and cold to deliver food and supplies. Some coordinated the efforts of others. Some provided succor. Some helped dig and shovel. Some gathered supplies. Some Gathered money. Some protected life and property. Some prayed. Some gave a much needed shoulder to cry on. Some cried while doing all of the above. This was humanity at it's finest as is evident in many desperate moments. I am so grateful to all of you and so honored to have participated with my family and many great people.
If I learned one thing from this and 911 it's that all of you matter more than you know and you all have value and it is appreciated. God bless America and God Bless You. Marc Cosentino
Monday, October 28, 2013
Revolving Deck Brick Oven is the new "Easy Bake Oven"
The New York Brick Oven Co. is offering what is now the industry leader in brick ovens with their Inferno series. Fast casual, Brick Oven, Neapolitan and traditional New York Style Pizza are all being cooked in the new Revolving Deck Brick Ovens which are super user friendly and cost effective since they do not require a skilled pizza man to work the oven, manage the temperature and constantly rotate and re-position the pies as you would have to do in a fixed cooking surface brick or deck oven. Once the pie is placed on the revolving brick cooking surface(think turntable) it slowly revolves and is cooked to perfection on all sides without any further attention. The Pizza School of New York uses one of these ovens to train it's students from around the globe on the latest trend in the pizza industry so that they can be ahead of the curve with latest technology. Look for these amazing ovens in the new fast casual pizza chains springing up across the country.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Brick Ovens Steaks
Imagine if you will a full cut aged Rib Eye seared to perfection in wood fired brick oven instantly locking in all the juices and creating an outstanding delicacy for the most picky of carnivores. Well if your lucky enough to live in the tri-state area you can go visit the original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza located on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York. Along with being the 3 time winners of the world's best pizza title they make a mean steak in their wood fired Revolving Deck Brick Oven and have a full service restaurant and bar to boot! So come on down and indulge in some of the finest Italian food around.
Revolving Deck Brick Ovens
Revolving Brick Ovens are the wave of the future. Between new the fast casual chains using the revolving ovens and old school pizza places retrofitting the new revolving ovens it seems apparent that this is the trend in the industry and a big trend it is.
One of the top innovations is the patented electric heating element that augments the wood fire or gas fire of the New York Brick Oven Co. Inferno series. They are using old world brick oven technology with the option of using an incredible modulating gas flame source for heat or wood fire. Between the gas, wood and electric you get the highest production oven turning out perfect pizza every time. The turntable cooking surface eliminates the need for highly skilled pizza men to work the oven. This in turn ensures each pizza once placed in the oven need not be turned as it cooks. This is a huge cost saving as the pizza man can continue making pies instead of having his attention(and head in the oven). One of the top pizza places in America-Goodfella's of Staten Island has been leading the industry with this oven for years. If your serious about high volume and consistent products check out the revolving ovens from the New York Brick Oven Co.
One of the top innovations is the patented electric heating element that augments the wood fire or gas fire of the New York Brick Oven Co. Inferno series. They are using old world brick oven technology with the option of using an incredible modulating gas flame source for heat or wood fire. Between the gas, wood and electric you get the highest production oven turning out perfect pizza every time. The turntable cooking surface eliminates the need for highly skilled pizza men to work the oven. This in turn ensures each pizza once placed in the oven need not be turned as it cooks. This is a huge cost saving as the pizza man can continue making pies instead of having his attention(and head in the oven). One of the top pizza places in America-Goodfella's of Staten Island has been leading the industry with this oven for years. If your serious about high volume and consistent products check out the revolving ovens from the New York Brick Oven Co.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Walking Dead Search For New Food Supply-Zombie Revolt in New York
The dead are just sick and tired of eating humans as evidenced by this video at a local cemetery in Staten Island NY. Dr. Rotten Bones a spokesman for the local zombie union said off the record " We are tired of having to chase down humans and corner or trap them for consumption. Recently one of our UEW (undead Earth Walker) local 41 gals realized that pizza was a great alternative as she devoured fat Vinny's Internal organs at the local Goodfella's Pizza and noticed the wonderful flavor of pepperoni". Dr. Bones went on to add " Frankly we are rather disappointed with the level of prejudice being leveled against the walking dead in general, especially in the TV and Motion Picture Industries". He also stated that the term "Living Dead" was an insulting term since they don't consider themselves living any longer. It does seem that there has been a big movement in the United States being directed at the poor zombies who have up to this point resisted forming a union due to threats by local mortuaries. You would think in this day and age of tolerance we could find a way to let them have their pizza and eat it too without having to harangued and get
shot at every turn. Live and let live or live and let the undead walk is what I say. Some of my best friends are like zombies till they have their first cup of coffee. Perhaps for Halloween instead of mocking our walking dead we should embrace them and invite them to the Human Only parties we all participate in.
shot at every turn. Live and let live or live and let the undead walk is what I say. Some of my best friends are like zombies till they have their first cup of coffee. Perhaps for Halloween instead of mocking our walking dead we should embrace them and invite them to the Human Only parties we all participate in.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Pizza Equipment Dealers
New York Brick Oven Co. has the ultimate revolving deck brick ovens for super high production and consistent products. These ovens are used in some of the top pizza places around the world such as Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza in Staten Island New York. visit www.brickovensforsale.com for more info.
350 Slices Per Second or Exploding Pizza
The latest figure for pizza consumption in America is an amazing 350 slices per second! The average family eats pizza at least once a month and for many it's once a week. That is a lot of pizza. With pizza sales for 2012 at $36,000,000,000 we are talking a lot of dough. With many established chains adding pizza to the line up along with stadiums, bars and convenience stores it's no wonder pizza is one of the top foods in America. Now if your in the industry or considering joining the craze you may want to look at fast casual brick oven pizza since this is where it is all heading now. Gourmet pizza places like Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza in Staten Island New York has been setting the trend with their Revolving Brick Oven for years along with fresh mozzarella, oven roasted peppers and other choice ingredients. Even the big chains are talking about "better ingredients" make better pizza. People are getting more health conscience and the variety of places catering to the savvy consumer are making for great competition where every one wins.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Hobart Capatain America Mixer-Made in the USA
In an age wher Made in America is becoming a rare find you can't help but get nostalgic and proud of the old days when things were built to last and perform. We love our hobart mixer so much that we painted him up and call him "Captain America". It may be hard to understand being fond a dough mixer but aside from our revoling deck brick oven and trusty pizza peel, little else is as important to a pizza man. Decades ago we heard from the old timers that the round leg 60 quart Hobart mixer was a machine unrivaled in dependability and famous for being industructable so we hunted down a 40 year old model and aside from replacing a faulty switch this baby has been the rock of Gibralter for us. Year in and year out it keeps going like my old Chevy Nova-just keep th oil changed, gas her up, turn the key and off you go. I guess the real nostaga here is where did the pride go in being great? This country was known for the leading the way in everything from education, cars, construction, music to space. Why is it ok to be second rate? Do the American people really agree with the direction we are going? Is cutting back the standards of acceptance for the masses an American idea or is it some sick socialist thought that is pervading our schools and media to bring everyone down to some base middle ground. Not everyone is the same despite being equal under the law. We at Goodfella's Pizza take tremendous pride in being Italian Americans, making a great pizza and being a vital part of our community. If someone would have told me 30 years ago that being proud of what you do is wrong, policaly incorrect or offensive to underachievers I would have puked. God bless America! If you are going to get a mixer than these tried and true Hobarts are for you!
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Original Vodka Pizza that Became a National Trend
Back in 1993 at the Original Goodfella"s Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York we created the "VODKA PIE" by a stroke of luck one night. My little brother Scot was enjoying some Penne Pasta with Vodka sauce and dipping some Italian bread in it when he asked " I wonder how a pizza would be with this sauce?" So off to the pizza station we went and began the test. Fantastic we thought but our customers-predominantly Italian did not agree at first. '' What is this orange stuff on the pizza?" "That doesn't look good". "What the hell is that?" and other choice phrases were used to question not only the pizza but our mental soundness. As usual we persisted with sampling and taste tests and it started catching on but once Rudy Giuliani, who was the Mayoral candidate at the time, tried it and started talking about the Vodka Pie at Goodfella's on the TV and radio it went wild! Not only that but it won the best pizza in the East and ultimately the coveted "Best Pizza in America" Wow! Then more TV from around the country and as the saying goes- the rest was history. Back in the early 90's before the internet if you can imagine, gourmet pizza cooked in a wood burning brick oven was a completly unknown animal and the term fast casual was not even coined but pizza is life and word got around so that everyone can enjoy it.
Pizza School of New York
Maybe your an avid pizza fan that makes the best homemade pizza in the land. Maybe your a professional pizza man/woman. Maybe you want a new career that can find you good steady work in just about any country on earth. Maybe your thinking about opening your own pizza place or want to make different types of pizza such as Neapolitan, Brick Oven, New York or Gourmet. Well the Goodfella's Pizza School of New York is just the place to master your skill and get that experience you need. Unlike a traditional classroom kitchen set up where you learn in a sterile environment Scot Cosentino and Andy Scudera teach you for real world application under real world conditions in an actual working restaurant. There is nothing to compare to learning from authentic pizza men who have taught pizza-making to students from around the world and are international pizza champions themselves. You get to use the state of the art Rotating Brick Oven and master all aspects of pizza making from dough to sauce and cheese to cooking. Call now and start soon.
Giant slice of pizza is now the sexiest apparel.
It seems the best dressed girls are now lining up for pizza! Yes as the old saying goes " the way to man's heart is through his stomach" is now being taken to new levels. Maybe a pizza scented perfume is not that far off. One of my favorite dates was when my girl showed up at the door with a suasage and mushroom pie but maybe I'm a little predjudice having been in the pizza industryfor many years. Honestly though you can't go wrong on a first date with a fantastic pizza from a local place and if you girls are thinking about winning over a man why not ask him out yourself, even if you end up getting stuck with the bill in this politically correct era it shouldn't be too bad. For those of you lucky enough to be in the New York area you may want to check out the 3 time international pizza champs at Goodfella's In staten island afeter a romantic ride on the Staten Island Ferry and a great view of Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. They have an incredible Rotating Brick Oven, full service bar and restaurant. Happy pizza.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Pizza School or How to Make Pizza 101
There are over 69,000 pizza places in America not to mention the places serving pizza such as bowling alleys, delis, convenience stores and so on. This number is easily over 100,000 with at least double that number of pizza makers. That being said it is no easy feat to make it to the top the pizza industry which has fierce competition and millions in corporate backers. When a local family place gets to such a position you can bet that it took some serious hard work and know how. Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York is just such a place and now they are giving you the opportunity to learn how to make the World's Best Pizza. So many people from around the world were inquiring for help in making a "better pizza" that Scot Cosentino decided he would share his hard won knowledge and start the Pizza School of New York. Here you will learn pizza. All the basics, from dough to sauce to cooking in the industry leading revolving brick oven. Gooodfella's pizza school is not some sterile artificial classroom, it is hands on, real world cooking in an actual restaurant under real world conditions. You get what it takes and see how it actually works from open to close and all the needed steps to make that perfect pizza. This is a priceless experience for any one in the industry or wanting to make pizza.
Fast Casual Dining is the Hot Trend
After about a decade of industry talk and development the term fast casual is becoming recognized by the mainstream consumer as a distinct type of dining which is characterized between fast food and fine dining. The main points are usually self service or limited service, trendy decor and a higher quality food selection. Coming on fast in this rising market is the pizza segment featuring upscale brick oven type pizza using fresh produce and homemade ingredients such as the Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza in New York. With their innovative Revolving Brick Oven they have been setting the industry standard for years in both super high quality and speed of production. One of the innovations the three time world champion pizza makers at Goodfella's employ is the revolving brick oven which is both gas and wood fired with a rotating cooking surface that is always uniformly heated and eliminates 90% of the work associated with maintaining and operating a conventional brick oven. They removed the original 8 foot deep brick oven they used for 20 years and found they no longer needed the second 5 foot deep oven in the original store on Hylan Boulevard when they replaced the main oven with a revolving oven. The new oven outperforms 2 huge brick ovens, saves labor and produces perfect pizza every time.
Word of the incredible pizza and trend setting oven spread quickly around the world partially due to another industry innovation called the pizza school. So many people from around the world wanted to learn from the award winning pizza makers Scot Cosentino and Andrew Scudera that they started giving classes on how to make pizza with actual hands on in a working restaurant environment. This in effect brought many of the up and coming pizza chains to see the amazing oven, learn pizza making and hear first hand from one of the top pizza men just how revolutionary this new oven design is and how it will effect the future of the pizza industry. If you are in the fast casual food game, want to make pizza or just like great food find a way to visit the legendary food eatery: Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza located in Staten Island New York.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
How do I build a brick oven?
There are many designs and methods to build a brick oven and the sky is the limit as to what can be accomplished but if you are in the pizza business and not a skilled mason , don't have a friend who is skilled mason or know any oven builders the task can be daunting. That is why New York Brick Oven Co. provides the industry leading revolving deck brick oven. This oven is capable of being either wood fired, gas fired or both. The inferno oven also has the only under the deck patented electric heating element to ensure perfect cooking temperatures no matter how many pies you cook. Fixed or static cooking surface ovens require skilled pizza makers to constantly maintain the proper cooking temperature, rotate each pie to ensure it doesn't burn and knowing how to work around the inevitable hot and cold spots which slow down production and destroy your pies. Cooking in a revolving deck oven is both simple and cost effective and the smart business owner knows that turning out bad products and slow production can bring any company to it's knees. If you are a serious pizza maker and are looking for the hottest trend and future of the industry then check out the top gun of pizza ovens. Call New York Brick Oven Co. today!
What is pizza school?
Pizza School is a hands on way to learn how to make pizza and cook pizza taught by the pros Andrew Scudera and Scot Cosentino in an actual working restaurant. These men have personally made hundreds of thousands of pizzas over the years and are super qualified to take you through the steps from dough making to baking in an authentic brick oven. All your questions will be answered and you will be spreading the dough, making sauce and baking award winning pizza in no time flat. Not only that but you will get valuable insight as to how to run a restaurant, save time and save money. Don't try the hit or miss method and end up kicking yourself after you realize-there is a better way. Call them today and be a happy pizza maker.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
What is a revolving brick pizza oven?
A revolving brick pizza oven is a brick oven that has a turntable brick cooking surface that rotates the pizza for you and ensures a perfectly cooked pie without having to have a brick oven expert to handle the usual high maintenance and special needs involved with a static or fixed surface oven. Some of these things that would make or break your product and production rate are: oven temperature-which can be set with a gas fired oven or a combination wood and gas fired oven, hot spots from bricks over heated, cold spots from the bricks not being able to recover the heat quickly due to cooking repeatedly on the same spot, having to constantly shift the pizza in the oven to avoid burning one side and cooking the pie evenly. All these ills are easily dispensed with when you can manually control the flame size and temperature. Moreover the rotating cooking surface is always at the right temperature and ensures all sides of the pie are cooked evenly without the need to turn them until they are removed for serving. WOW! The 3 time World Champion Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island New York has removed one of their original ovens and replaced it with a revolving oven that "has increased efficiency, speed and consistency" said the founder Scot Cosentino. The oven is now part of the standard training for the new wave of pizza men and women attending the Pizza School of New York and the future of fast casual pizza.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
You bought a $100,000 Mercedes, how about taking a $35 dollar driving lesson?
Have you ever had this thought as you watched someone who obviously is incompetent, driving a fancy car? Well I feel the same way as I watch people who have worked hard, borrowed and took big risks to build a pizza place jump in, without even a basic understanding of how to make pizza or the basics of dough making. Sounds ridiculous? It is. Don't be part of the crazy statistic for restaurant failure because you don't know and understand the basics. The Pizza School of New York can give you the edge you need when starting out in the pizza business. This is real life, hands on training in the world famous Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of New York. You will be confident and competent making pizza in a real world environment under the instruction of 3x World Champion pizza makers Scot Cosentino and Andrew Scudera. They have personally trained over 1000 people from all walks of life, all over the nation and from all over world in the art of making pizza. Not only that but you will learn how to cook in their industry leading Revolving Brick Oven which is becoming the new standard for authentic high production brick oven pizza. With decades of experience, true hard won knowledge gained in the trenches (opening dozens of restaurants and training all the employees ) these men are genuine experts, not paper tigers teaching in some clinical environment made to "look like" a restaurant. There is a reason Goodfella's pizza was bet on the Superbowl winning NY Giants by the Mayor of NYC. There is a reason they have catered the presidential yacht. There is a reason they are in business for over 20 years-the pizza is great. Not only that but these guys take pride in what they do and it shows. So don't drive that fancy high performance car without a lesson and don't jump into the pizza game unarmed, call the Pizza School of New York today!
Friday, September 13, 2013
1.2 Million Americans would beg to differ with that statement and were determined to show unity and patriotism despite some perverse, morally corrupt, cowardly, socialist, generated "politically correct" idea that it is not ok to be proud of being American. Veterans, businessmen and women, union workers, moms, dads and kids lined the streets of America determined to ensure the original American ideals of freedom are protected and preserved. They took off from work and left their businesses to make it known in Washington that we the people have had enough. Stop treading on us, our freedom and our concept of right and wrong while our country is being handed over to indigent, self serving politicians, corporations, bankers, life long welfare recipients and illegal immigrants that are living off the backs of hard working Americans and flaunting how they don't have to follow the same rules as the rest of us poor slobs that keep them in office, buy them food stamps, provide free medical, watch them spend more in government benefits then they could ever earn on their salaries or in the real world in a job or in business. Enough! Our soldiers are dying in hell holes in wars that are never ending. Enough! Our rights are being trampled on. Enough! Our "leaders" openly lie to us and then brush it off. Enough! We send billions to foreign lands while our own cities crumble. Enough! Trillions of dollars in bailout money unaccounted for.Enough! Spying on Americans. Enough! Sending the IRS to target Americans because of their political views. Enough! This can go on for a long time but you get the point. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH, SO CLEAN UP YOUR ACT AND START PAYING ATTENTION BECAUSE WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS ANY LONGER. DO YOUR JOBS, TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SACRED TRUST INVESTED IN YOU BY THE POWER OF THE VOTE(PEOPLE) AND STAND TALL AS LEADERS OR STAND ASIDE AND LET SOME REAL LEADERS TAKE CHARGE. LEADERS THAT BELIEVE IN THIS GREAT COUNTRY AND KNOW THAT NO MATTER WHAT HAS BEEN DONE WE CAN FIX IT. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Lady Ga Ga pizza
From the NY Yankee Good luck pizza and the World Famous Vodka Pie to the lady Ga Ga Pizza, the boys at the Original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Blvd. in Staten Island NY are always having fun making delicious and sometimes entertaining pizzas like the Lin Sanity pie. The incredible smell of the revolving wood burning brick oven and the fresh homade ingredients take you away to mom's kitchen and memories of the first time you smelled a genuine fireplace as a kid. An always genuinely happy to see you staff that values people and has given back to community in so may ways over the past decades makes you feel right at home so come on down and taste some of NY's Finest(one of the founders is a former New York City Police Officer). Happy pizza to you!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
OMG! Apple Pie Pizza.
Yes the stuffed Apple Pie Pizza and the strawberry banana pie are are favorites at the original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Blvd. in Staten Island NY, along with the Vodka pie and Smokin Goodfella winner of the World's Best Pizza Contest. For over 20 years these guys have been serving up award winning pizzas made by hand with the freshest ingredients available and cooked in a revolving wood fired brick oven for the people of NY. Along with world class pizza there is a full service Italian restaurant and bar featuring flat screen televisions to catch the all the sports action while you dine. The staff is always happy to serve you and are used to visitors from all over the world so next time you are near Staten Island NY be sure to try the original and say hi to Andy and Scot.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Fantastic pizza "Off the Beaten Path" on the Hatfield and McCoy Trail

Friday, August 23, 2013
Julius Dilligard Jr. of Crown Hights Affair live at
When you have a friend of such of such incredible talent it's easy to take it for granted and forget the sheer power and emotion of his performance, that is until you are in it. I was having a cup of coffee at Starbucks this morning when the song Superfly by Curtis Mayfield came on and got my feet tapping and body moving when I immediately thought of Julius Dilligard rocking it in several venues I have seen him perform in. From His top 40 hits with the Crown Heights Affair to his joyous soul lifting ballads, this man delivers-always.With his effusive smile and unabashed laugh you can't help but have a good time in his presence and when he hits the stage its an incredible ride where you witness something of depth and power, a pure aesthetic and true communication. If you ever get the rare opportunity to see him live you will understand what it means to be moved and taken into another world. I salute you Julius for both your talent and continued humanitarian endeavors I am fortunate indeed to know you sir. Marc Cosentino Goodfella's Staten Island Ny.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Andrew Scudera International Pizza Expo Champion and great guy!
I have known Andy for 19 years and watched him go from bus boy to driver to chef to pizza-man to manager to co-owner of the Original Goodfella's Pizza on Staten Island to International Pizza Expo World Champion. What amazes me most about this man is his incredible grace under fire and ability to get the job done no matter the circumstance. In an age where the role models in this country are more and more degraded and self absorbed it is becoming rare to find men of integrity who care about others and being a team player. Perhaps it is his wonderful close-knit family or the fact that he, his brother and their dad are all Eagle Scouts but whatever it is he is a man you count on and one that takes great pride in work. If you want to learn how to make the World's Best Pizza or just try some yourself just come on by Goodfellas on Hylan Blvd. and enjoy the wonderful pizza from the rotating wood burning oven. Happy Pizza to you.
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