Now that world class pizza places such as the Iconic Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY (three time international pizza champions) is utilizing the revolving brick oven to produce what is literally the World's Best Pizza, you can be sure this oven delivers the goods with perfect pizza at a rate to handle the crowds. We caught up with Andrew Scudera from Goodfella's who said "this oven has made my life so easy now".You can visit with the New York Brick Oven Company at the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas March 25-27th at the convention center for a live demonstration where they will attempt 100 pies in half an hour.
Monday, January 27, 2014
The New York Brick Oven Company has just released it's latest video sure to shake up the Fast Casual Pizza Segment. With the hottest trend in the pizza industry centering around wood fired brick ovens their new Inferno series revolving brick ovens are creating a sensation.
Now that world class pizza places such as the Iconic Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY (three time international pizza champions) is utilizing the revolving brick oven to produce what is literally the World's Best Pizza, you can be sure this oven delivers the goods with perfect pizza at a rate to handle the crowds. We caught up with Andrew Scudera from Goodfella's who said "this oven has made my life so easy now".You can visit with the New York Brick Oven Company at the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas March 25-27th at the convention center for a live demonstration where they will attempt 100 pies in half an hour.
Now that world class pizza places such as the Iconic Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY (three time international pizza champions) is utilizing the revolving brick oven to produce what is literally the World's Best Pizza, you can be sure this oven delivers the goods with perfect pizza at a rate to handle the crowds. We caught up with Andrew Scudera from Goodfella's who said "this oven has made my life so easy now".You can visit with the New York Brick Oven Company at the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas March 25-27th at the convention center for a live demonstration where they will attempt 100 pies in half an hour.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The Original Fast Casual Pizza: Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza Staten Island New Yok
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Marc and Scot Cosentino with Goodfella's Captain America Mustang |
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Marc's Previous Job and Cover of his Book |
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The Infamous Fork to be auctioned for charity. |
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Andrew Scudera Winning International Pizza Expo |
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Scot Cosentino with the "Vodka Pie" |
Monday, January 20, 2014
Hosts of Forensic Experts Converge on de Blasio's Forkgate Evidence at Crime Scene
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Mayor de Blasio before the "Crime" |
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Fork vouchered as evidence by Marc Cosentino of Goodfella's Pizza |
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Ed Wallace Director of the NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Director of Forensic Training with Scores of forensic experts converge at Goodfella's pizza to examine forkgate evidence.
Making the trip to the Forgotten Borough to examine and taste the evidence surrounding Mayor De Blasio's forkgate incident were scores of forensic experts from around the country representing medical examiner's offices from as far away as Tampa, Texas, Boston and Wyoming. They looked over the fork in question, the New York Brick Oven Company's revolving brick oven that was used to cook the Smoking Goodfella pizza of international repute and most of all to taste the evidence. All were pleasantly surprised and agreed there was a solid case for great pizza regardless of it's consumption with or without a fork. " Being part of a fun crime scene for change is a treat" commented one hardened examiner from the Midwest. Another added "I will gladly volunteer for any future expert testimony involving this incident". A good time was had by all and they were happy to learn of the $1000 opening bid on the fork made by the New York Brick Oven Company to start the fund raising with the Tunnel 2 Tower Foundation which is instrumental in helping the recovery of local residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Even Primo from The Diamond Collar Knows: You Don't Eat Pizza with a Fork Mr. de Blasio
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Trixie the Goodfella's Wonder Dog after a wash and cut at The Diamond Collar |
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James Guiliani his dog Primo and Marc Cosentino enjoying some fork-free Goodfella's Pizza at The Diamond Collar |
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Andrew Scudera and Marc Cosentino of Goodfella's Pizza with James Guiliani and Primo of The Diamond Collar |
Pizza Cop Bags Evidence from de Blasio's Forkgate
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Marc Cosentino on Patrol in the 120 precinct circa 1988 |
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Cosentino arresting Leonardo Di Caprio on the Wolf of Wall Street |
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Infamous fork vouchered in evidence bag at Goodfella's Pizza on Hylan Blvd. |
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Scot Cosentino and Andrew Scudera of thePizza School New York |
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Staten Island DA Visits Goodfella's to Investigate Evidence at Mayor de Blasio's Forkgate Crime Scene
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Marc and Scot Cosentino with DA Donovan |
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evidence bag with infamous fork |
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Pizza fresh from New York Brick Oven Co. Revolving Brick Oven |
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Major Crisis Enveloping the Mayor of New York City
Mayor deBlasio has only been on the job a few days and has already gotten himself caught in an international scandal. While visiting the Staten Island favorite Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza to show his support and commitment to what has been previously known as the "Forgotten Borough" he made a pizza eating error of magnitude. The Mayor inadvertently reached for a fork, yes I said "fork". To those of you not from New York this is somthing on the order of putting ketchup on a hot dog or mayonnaise on on pastrami sandwich. To give the mayor respect he did switch over to the hand eating method once it was brought to his attention. Marc Cosentino of the New York Brick Oven Company company was on hand for the pizza making along with his brother Scot who were proud to use their Inferno revolving deck brick oven to prepare the pies being made by Andrew Scudera who won the 2012 International pizza title. Cosentino a former sergeant of the NYPD put his experience to use and realized the fork in question may be evidence of the crime so he prepared an evidence bag and secured the crime scene.
"I try to keep up with training even if it's only on TV or in the Movies" said Cosentino. The fork is currently enjoying it's own celebrity on display to the public at the Original Goodfella's on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island for safe keeping till the new police commissioner Bill Bratton has had the opportunity to inspect it. From there it will most likely be auctioned off for a local Staten Island charity. Happy pizza.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
New York Brick Oven Company Implicated in Fork-Gate with Mayor de Blasio
The New York Brick Oven Company is responsible for cooking the incredible Smoking Goodfella pizza at the heart of the now international pizza scandal known as Fork-gate. The owners of the New York Brick of Company and founders of Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza, Marc and Scot Cosentino, had no idea of what they were about to cook up around the world when they were asked to prepare a smoked mozzarella pizza by Mayor de Blasio of New York City. The Mayor had heard of the famous Cosentino brothers pizza creations and when he learned they had smoked mozzarella on the menu, he asked Marc to make him a pie in his now industry leading revolving deck brick oven. No strangers to preparing pizza for New York City Mayors the brothers called on pizza partner Andrew Scudera who holds "World's Best Pizza" title from the International Pizza Expo and runs the Goodfella's Pizza School of New York to help. With this kind of experience and passion for pizza it's no wonder these guys came up with a fantastic pizza prepared to perfection for the new Mayor. Everything was was moving along splendidly with smiles and laughs as de Blasio enjoyed his pizza until controversy hit. One of the throngs of reporters jammed into Goodfella's for the pizza summit noticed the Mayor eating pizza with a fork which was intentionally being ignored by the majority of Italian Americans in attendance. Somehow the now "Infamous Fork" became the center of the conversation and became the lead story for all the major news stations and became a top twitter story with Mayor tweeting about it himself.
"Cooking the best ingredients with the world's best pizza makers in the industries best oven can only lead to success" said Marc Cosentino (a former sergeant NYPD) who through habit, promptly placed that fork in an evidence bag and "vouchered it" for safe keeping and a future fund raiser with the Mayor.
"Cooking the best ingredients with the world's best pizza makers in the industries best oven can only lead to success" said Marc Cosentino (a former sergeant NYPD) who through habit, promptly placed that fork in an evidence bag and "vouchered it" for safe keeping and a future fund raiser with the Mayor.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
The Infamous Pizza-gate Fork Has Been Bagged And Tagged And Is On Display at Goodfella's Pizza on Hylan Boulevard Staten Island
The alleged fork that was used by Mayor De Blasio in the pizza with a fork scandal has been "invoiced" as evidence and currently being safeguarded in the evidence locker at the World Famous Goodfella's Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten New York. The evidence is being secured by Marc Cosentino a former sergeant with the NYPD and co-founder of Goodfella's. Viewing can be arranged if your so inclined and are not easily disturbed.
Pizzagate at Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza Staten Island NY with Mayor De Blasio and the New York Brick Oven Co.
Having Mayor De Blasio enjoy a fresh pizza with his favorite smoked mozzarella right out of the the Revolving Deck Brick Oven at the world famous Goodfella's Pizza was a lot of fun. He now joins the tradition started 20 years ago with Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and his "pepperoni connection" with Borough President and former US congressman Guy Molinari who was threatening the secession of Staten Island(The Forgotten Borough) from new York City at the time. Rudy even brought his staff to Goodfella's on the day he was re-elected because he liked Goodfella's so much.
"While we won't say pizza was the reason for the peace, it sure makes hungry Italians much more agreeable" said Scot Cosentino.
Then mayor Bloomberg began to follow suit, knowing that the predominately Italian borough of Staten Island enjoyed this community oriented fast casual eatery. Through three terms he could be seen eating and having his Goodfella's delivered, so it was no surprise when Mayor De Blasio made the pilgrimage after just 10 days in office to try one of their award winning pizzas. "Having had twenty years of successive New York City mayors enjoy pizza from The revolving deck brick oven is priceless, and if we have to add New York Style pizza eating to our pizza school to avoid another scandal with the mayor using a fork-so be it" said Andrew Scudera the three time International Champion Pizza maker from Goodfella's.
"While we won't say pizza was the reason for the peace, it sure makes hungry Italians much more agreeable" said Scot Cosentino.
Then mayor Bloomberg began to follow suit, knowing that the predominately Italian borough of Staten Island enjoyed this community oriented fast casual eatery. Through three terms he could be seen eating and having his Goodfella's delivered, so it was no surprise when Mayor De Blasio made the pilgrimage after just 10 days in office to try one of their award winning pizzas. "Having had twenty years of successive New York City mayors enjoy pizza from The revolving deck brick oven is priceless, and if we have to add New York Style pizza eating to our pizza school to avoid another scandal with the mayor using a fork-so be it" said Andrew Scudera the three time International Champion Pizza maker from Goodfella's.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Press Release: Mayor DeBlasio and the Controversial Pizza "Fork" at Goodfella" Brick Oven Pizza

Sunday, January 5, 2014
Lone Survivor 2014 January
The devil is in the detail, a popular saying that comes in handy when you run a business. In some industries the amount of competition is much larger than in others and the pizza industry is one of the big ones with fierce competition. For example there are 1163 pizza places in my home town of Brooklyn New York. How crazy would you have to be to compete in this market without paying attention to the basics let alone the details? What are the basics? First: How to make pizza? Second: What kind of oven should I use?
These questions are key but how about your type of pizza, your location, decor, promotion, marketing? Now we get into the details. The Pizza School of New York can help with making pizza and the The New York Brick Oven Company can provide you with the industry leading revolving deck brick oven then all you need is staff training and some trial and error and you too may be one of the Lone Survivors in the pizza making game. Happy pizza to you and good luck making the dough.
Friday, January 3, 2014
2014 Tips for Success -New Years Resolutions
Each year millions of people start the year with resolutions and a great many of us are quite sincere when we make them, so what happens that we don't keep them or start off strong and quit. Usually the target is unreal, meaning the person making it doesn't have the tools, information or ability to keep it. Secondly many of us charge in with fantastic enthusiasm only to hit a wall and fail.
My suggestion is make smaller incremental goals toward your overall goals. Some examples could be hiring new staff, losing 25 lbs. or writing a book. Well the first one could be overwhelming if you just fire all the dead wood and have to handle your whole business by yourself so maybe it would be a little easier to sit down and decide who needs to be replaced as a first DOABLE step. Look at overall performance and decide on one person you want to retrain(yes that is a possibility and always a first choice at Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza) or replace, then work out a plan to do that and have a win doing so. Losing weight is a killer for most because it is a slow process and requires patients and will power. Well what if you set the goal for 1 lb. in three days and then figure out exactly what you have to eliminate from your diet or where you could reduce portions to attain the goal? Once you have made the 1 lb. goal you set your sights on 2 lbs. and so forth winning as you go. Writing a book is another big target and having wrote Routine Patrol I found that years went by until my friend Dan suggested I just write what comes to mind and complete one idea or chapter. This was much easier to do and led to next and so on until I had enough material to start arranging, editing and putting it together. The small win of seeing the first chapter completed was the inspiration needed to continue. You can take this idea and apply it to any goal or project you can imagine. the key is attainable targets that lead toward your goal. Yes there will be obstacles and set back but just re-evaluate and start fresh. I wish you great health, prosperity and success in this New Year! Best wishes. Start!!!
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