Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Thanksgiving To Me
With all the incredible wishes for a happy holiday from family and friends it seems impossible to not take a moment and reflect on this past year and that around this time last year we were deeply effected in Staten Island by Hurricane Sandy and the losses it brought in misery, property and life. This is a happy moment for many of us in this country who are enjoying freedom and bounty while others may not have it so good. I remember last year when we went around the neighborhood inviting people(who lost everthing and were huddled under blankets in the cold) to share Thanksgiving with us. They were from so many different ethnic backgrounds and languages that we had to enlist interpreters for such languages as Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Spanish and a few more. My wife, kids, friends, family and so many volunteers came to Goodfella's to help and they brought so much food and good cheer in the genuine spirit of true help that when my 9 year old daughter feel asleep on a chair after serving food all day and told me it was the best thanksgiving ever, tough as I'd like to think I am, I almost broke down and am still moved by it today. The people were hesitant at first when we knocked on their doors and one woman said to me " I have lost everything, I have no pride so I will come and I thank you". Many others required alot of pleading and insisting(being proud working people) but we had formed a relationship with them from being there everyday for weeks providing food and supplies, so they came even though they felt awkward and shy. They understood we cared and just wanted to share and when I tod them I do this because I'd expect the same if it the shoe was on the other foot, they smiled and felt relief because they knew deep down that everyone of them would help me if they could. We had vans and cars to pick them up because all the cars were destroyed. Once they got there and began getting served from friendly faces, the kids started laughing and eating and the parents felt at ease and let a few tears go because they had a hot meal for the family on this important day and were out of the cold. Some one said to me during the relief that "you can't help everybody" and that may be true but it meant something to the people we did help and I thank God today for allowing me to help. I am thankful for being part of a society that cares, for having friends that care, for having a family that cares and for having a wife who cares. Thank all of you that volunteered your help, it was appreciated, I promise you, so are each and every one of you. Marc Cosentino
Monday, November 25, 2013
The pleasure of cooking in a Revolving Deck Brick Oven
Having cooked pizza in a conventional Brick oven for 20 years I was skeptical at first but the past couple of years are an eye opener. It is human nature to "get used to" just about any circumstance we are in and the fear of change is always powerful. When I first heard of the revolving deck oven I dismissed it as a new fad but on examination it made sense especially with the constant heat provided by gas, wood and an industry first-an electric heating element below the cooking surface. The New York Brick Oven Co.'s Inferno series Revolving Deck Brick Oven is the industry leading innovation that takes all of the pain out of operating a brick oven. Moreover it makes it simple and removes the skilled labor aspect from your bottom line. No more having to keep your pizza man's head in front of a sweltering oven, no longer having to constantly turn and shuffle your pies to avoid burning from hot spots or uneven cooking from cold spots, no longer having tie up an employee to "work" the oven.
It's now as easy as just placing your pie on the rotating cooking surface, letting it rotate a couple times around and then taking it out perfectly cooked on all sides and the bottom. "A life saver" in the word's of Andrew Scudera who is co-owner of the original world famous Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York and winner of several International Pizza titles. The hottest trend in the industry is one the new chains in fast casual and local gourmet pizza places are jumping on around the United States. Speed and high quality production are the watch words for these new ovens and when you add consistency and labor savings you get a combination that is hard to beat and a no-brainer for the savvy pizza operator.

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Speedy Pizza from the World Champs!
How about 52 pies in 19 minutes? The guys from the original Wold Champion Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza on Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island New York demonstrate the InfernoSeries Revolving Deck Brick Oven model 140 from the New York Brick Oven Co.
As you can see from the video, you would be hard pressed to keep this oven filled for any length of time because it is that fast. More importantly it cooks each pie to perfection without having to spin the pies as they cook. This is an amazing way to save time, labor and ensure a consistent product.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Revolving Deck Brick Ovens and Hot Rod Coffee

Monday, November 4, 2013
Authentic Brick Oven Pizza
Brick Oven Pizza is a style of "Gourmet" pizza that usually consists of fresh ingredients on a homemade, hand tossed dough that is cooked an authentic wood fired brick oven. A brick oven gives a certain crispness and flavor that is impossible to duplicate in a conventional oven. Very high temperatures and a fire brick surface are key to making this tasty form of pizza which is sweeping the country.
The original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY is leading the industry after winning the World's Best Pizza title several times with it's Revolving Deck Brick Oven from the New York Brick Oven Co. This oven is the wave of the future for the fast casual pizza segment and tops for high production and consistent pizza making without relying on a skilled pizza makers.
The original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island NY is leading the industry after winning the World's Best Pizza title several times with it's Revolving Deck Brick Oven from the New York Brick Oven Co. This oven is the wave of the future for the fast casual pizza segment and tops for high production and consistent pizza making without relying on a skilled pizza makers.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Latest Pizza Trend: Revolving Deck Brick Ovens
The New York
Brick Oven Co. company introduces its Inferno Series Revolving Deck Brick
Ovens. Pizza has become one of the fastest growing segments in the Fast Casual market
with gourmet brick oven pizza leading the way. Industry leaders such as 3 time
International Champion Goodfella’s Brick oven Pizza of Staten Island New York
is at the forefront of this new technology, replacing their existing 8 Ft.
traditional brick oven with a revolving deck oven. Goodfella’s co-owner AndrewScudera said “This oven out produces a regular brick ovens hands down. Not only
that but it saves labor and makes a consistent product every time which is very
important in a busy place. This is the biggest innovation I have seen yet in
the pizza industry during the last 20 years”. The Inferno series comes in a
wide range of sizes and configurations to suit such places as a small pie
making bistro to a high volume location featuring pick-up and delivery in
addition to dine-in. The main draw to these new ovens is that they eliminate
the need for skilled labor to constantly rotate pizza and understand the
mechanics of cooking in a traditional fixed cooking surface brick oven. Once
the pie is placed on the rotating brick surface it spins around the oven and is
cooked completely and consistently. The innovative patented design feature of
an electric heating element below the cooking surface ensures the surface is
always hot and augments the wood or gas fire capabilities of the oven while
reducing initial start-up time to reach the ideal cooking
Contact: New York Brick Oven Co. www.brickovensforsale.com
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