Saturday, March 2, 2019

Brick ovens and you

Thinking of getting your own brick oven? Well, there are definite benefits to adding one to your business or replacing a conventional oven with one. To start with there is the aesthetic aspect of the revolving brick oven and showcasing the flames in it. There is nothing quite like having the dancing flames which can be seen by the customer. The outside of the oven can be decorated in any fashion that you choose to give your business that personal touch to match your motif. With that personal touch and flame going, the next part of the equation is the wood. There is nothing like the smell of fresh burning wood in the oven to pique one's sense of hunger.

Ok, now that you have decided to own a brick oven what can you do with it? Well the obvious place to start with is pizza. Why start with pizza, because it simple and a universal food. Have you ever heard of anyone that did not like pizza? Well if you do-stay away from them :) The revolving brick oven like the ones NY Brick Oven Co  makes will make your life and pizza making a pleasure. They take the skilled labor out of working a brick oven, they make perfect pizza every-time because you don't have to continuously move and rotate the pizza but more importantly, you don't have to monitor the burning wood since it is gas assisted and maintains the perfect baking temperature for your application. Not only that but it gives the pizza man the ability to make pizza, place it in the oven and go back to making pizza while it bakes-something you can't do with a conventional oven because you have to rote and spin the pizza to avoid burning it and cooking it evenly. Not only that but those guys at NY Brick Oven Co. set a world record at pizza expo making 200 pies in 51 minutes in one oven! When you are ready to make a move, get a life saver for pizza men-the revolving brick oven from NY Brick Oven Co.