Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Tips for Success -New Years Resolutions

Each year millions of people start the year with resolutions and a great many of us are quite sincere when we make them, so what happens that we don't keep them or start off strong and quit. Usually the target is unreal, meaning the person making it doesn't have the tools, information or ability to keep it. Secondly many of us charge in with fantastic enthusiasm only to hit a wall and fail.
 How do you overcome this? 

My suggestion is make smaller incremental goals toward your overall goals. Some  examples could be hiring new staff, losing 25 lbs. or writing a book. Well the first one could be overwhelming if you just fire all the dead wood and have to handle your whole business by yourself so maybe it would be a little easier to sit down and decide who needs to be replaced as a first DOABLE step. Look at overall performance and decide on one person you want to retrain(yes that is a possibility and always a first choice at Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza) or replace, then work out a plan to do that and have a win doing so. Losing weight is a killer for most because it is a slow process and requires patients and will power. Well what if you set the goal for 1 lb. in three days  and then figure out exactly what you have to eliminate from your diet or where you could reduce portions to attain the goal? Once you have made the 1 lb. goal you set your sights on 2 lbs. and so forth winning as you go. Writing a book is another big target and having wrote  Routine Patrol I found that years went by until my friend Dan suggested I just write what comes to mind and complete one idea or chapter. This was much easier to do and led to next and so on until I had enough material  to start arranging, editing and putting it together. The small win of seeing the first chapter completed was the inspiration needed to continue. You can take this idea and apply it to any goal or project you can imagine. the key is attainable targets that lead toward your goal. Yes there will be obstacles and set back but just re-evaluate and start fresh. I wish you great health, prosperity and success in this New Year! Best wishes. Start!!!

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