Sunday, January 12, 2020
Good help? Workforce problems?
Seems that no matter who I speak with the reataurant industry, the top complaint is-"Can't find good help these days". This complaint goes across the country from coast to coast. Several theories have been given as to why they have the "workforce blues" ranging from bad upbringing to Melenials, Democrats, school system, victim mentality, government should take care of me, the world owes me a living and some you could probably name yourself. What is the answer? Training, when you find an employee that shows some initiative do all you can to make sure he knows exactly what is expected of him. Make sure he know exactly how to do what is expected of him. Ackowledge him when he does it right and retrain him without any ridicule, chastising or punishment until he A-Knows exactly what is expected of him. B-can do exactly what is expected of him and C-Does what is expected of him on a routine basis. Frustration can be expected but it can worked through till you have a competent and happy employee.