Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Celebrity Chef Visits Goodfella's Pizza for a Slice From the Revolving Brick Oven

Pascal Rigo, for instance, the entrepreneur/chef who sold "La Boulangerie Bakery to Starbucks in 2012, happened to be in the dining room for lunch on Wednesday. He said he appreciates "good, fresh ingredients" and the passion of the cooks behind it.
"That's why we're here ... because they're passionate and they use good ingredients," said Rigo before biting into a Goodfella's slice.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Slice Out Hunger is a Fast Casual Pizza Party Success For the NY Food Bank

Pizza places from all over New York City and surrounding areas came together for a fantastic night of fun and eating to raise money for the New York City Food Bank. The yearly event is called Slice Out Hunger and was founded by Scott Wiener to incorporate his love of pizza with a fun way to provide meals for the New York Food Bank. This years event was attended by a whose who of New York Pizza from the world renowned Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island to new comers such as Pizzetteria Brunetti, Table 87 and even Tony Boloney's from Jersey were on hand along with about 50 other restaurants to make this fund raiser a fantastic dough raising event. Lines formed early and went for blocks around the event hall in SOHO and were responsible for donating enough to provide 150,000 meals to those in need. "I have never seen so many happy New Yorkers  in one place" said Marc Cosentino of the New York Brick Oven Co.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Best Wishes to our Friends at Spin Neapolitan

A new store is about to open in Oklahoma!

The crew at New York Brick Oven Co. extends it's best wishes for success to our friends at
 Spin Neapolitan Pizza.
That pizza looks good :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How to Stretch Pizza Dough

Pizza Stretching!
How to stretch a pizza dough is a fantastic introduction to making pizza by the New York Pizza School